Friday, June 28, 2013

The Fountain of Love

                I have to admit, when I watched When in Rome, I was a little skeptical of the fountain of love. I mean, c’mon. Pulling coins out of the fountain magically make men fall in love with you? Puh-lease. If that truly happened, why isn’t there a fountain of love in the United States? Or in Russia? That would make single life a whole lot easier, knowing that someone is wishing for you. Someone that could possibly love you for the rest of your life. BUT, no. We don’t have that. We have something called “dating.” Well, it’s not really “dating” anymore. It’s “talking” now because no one has enough courage to actually talk face-to-face with another human being. We hide behind our cell phones and computers. We even lowered ourselves to dating websites.   
                Well, all my disbelief was proven wrong when I got to Rome for a class trip. I visited the Trevi Fountain, beautiful as can be, and threw in my thee coins. Legend has it that if you hold three coins in your right hand and throw them into the fountain over your right shoulder, all your wishes will come true. But the kicker is you have to go back and visit Rome for the coins to truly work.
                I can definitely say, with no regrets, that I am a sucker for love. With disbelief of When in Rome, I was still rooting for Nick and Beth to be together. Their love was real and pure, everything I want and more. I won’t lie. I cried when Beth realized that the creepy magician, played by John Header, gave her back the wrong poker chip and had to stop the whole wedding because she thought Nick was under a “spell.”
                Because of that, that’s when I decided I needed to throw coins in the fountain of love. I needed someone to be under my spell. Someone who would always be under my spell unless their coin is thrown back into the fountain (I mean, really? Who would do such a thing? Who would destroy a love so strong that no woman could ever come between it?).  
                 I’m sad to say that the trip was a bust and no one was head-over-heels in love with me. My three puny, little pennies were still in the fountain, all alone. I even followed the legend. Now, I understand why it’s a legend. IT DOESN’T ACTUALLY HAPPEN. And, When in Rome, is a fictional movie and I’m a hopeless romantic. All-in-all. LOVE SUCKS.  

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