Friday, June 7, 2013

It Gets Better

I've dealt with my fair share of heartache and pain throughout my years in high school. Someday's I thought the world was going to end, taking all my pain with it. I didn't think I could get through the pain of someone walking away from me because of relentless drama. Freshman year, I was "talking" (no one dates anymore.... weird, right?) to a guy who was less than normal. His nickname was a color. Why I liked him, I have no idea... maybe because he acted like he truly liked me back. Well, being on New Tech, there was this IM thing (we weren't supposed to be on during class time) that I was talking to my best friend about him and news got out that we were thinking about being a couple. My best friend's partners read put messages and confronted him about it. It was the most embarrassing thing that could ever happen to me as a fifteen year old. I seriously thought my life was over. He went on to date one of my close friends and then told me that I WAS cute. Needless to say, I had quite the bit of heartbreak from that kid.

No amount of heartbreak compared to the heartbreak I got from one of my brother's close friends. I liked him since the summer before my eighth grade year and onward. He was the longest crush I've ever had (still not over him and he's gone to Tennessee). It lasted four years. Some think I'm "love struck." Who knows? Well, eighth grade year, I gained some confidence and wrote him a note, expressing my love for him. At the time, I thought it would end his relationship with the girl he was dating and he would come to me. Boy was I wrong. I was "friend zoned" by him, a place I never imagined myself seeing. I'm slowly getting over him, today, but it's not easy. I see him doing BIG things, and I still wonder why I was never good enough for him. There used to be songs I couldn't listen to because they reminded me of him, but I'm able to listen to them now. Time really does heal the heart.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is: Life Goes On and It Gets Better. It just takes some time.

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